Advertising Services

Advertise And Promote Your Business To Our Users In The Listings Section On Every Page

or ad 2Placement ads allow you to immediately call attention to your business and direct visitors to your website, social media pages, or offers by leveraging our website traffic through our listings section.
Rates for Ads in 2022:
$300 Per Ad Space for 30 days.
No surprises, no long-term obligation, and no hassles. Your ad placement will run on all site listing pages for 30 days.
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Promote Your Listing On The Front Page As A “Featured Listing”

featured listingsPlacement ads allow you to prominently and permanently call attention to your business and direct visitors to your website’s social media pages or offers by leveraging our website traffic.
Rates for Ads in 2022:
$250 Per Ad Space for 30 days.
No surprises, no long-term obligation, and no hassles. Your ad placement will run on all site listing pages for 30 days.
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Advertise And Promote Your Upcoming Local Events To Our Users

Our Local Events Ads allow you to prominently and permanently call attention to your business and direct visitors to your website’s social media pages or offers by leveraging our website traffic.
Rates for Ads
$200 Per Ad Space for 30 days.
No surprises, no long-term obligation, and no hassles. Your ad placement will run on all site listing pages for 30 days.
Click here

Advertise And Promote Your Business With A Premium Business Listing

prem listingOur Local Events Ads allow you to prominently and permanently call attention to your business and direct visitors to your website’s social media pages or offers by leveraging our website traffic.
Rates for Ads
$150 Per Premium Listing for 1 Year (Renews yearly)
No surprises, no long-term obligation, and no hassles. Your ad placement will run on all site listing pages for 30 days.
Click here

List Your Business Today!

     If you would like to add your business listing to our website please click here or contact us TODAY! 

CNY takeouts offer you an incredible way to get access to the best restaurants in your area. Whether you want to find takeout food, dine-in, or find restaurants with incredible meals, we are here to help. Our list is always updated and you will have access to the top choices on the market at all times.

We always help our clients obtain the best value and results. And on top of that, we guarantee that you will have a very good experience no matter the situation. Just contact us today for more information!